UBH30 / Screw&driver connection
UBH30 SOLUTION, for any situation.
The UBH30 Screw is the Universal Angled Solution of Ball Head Technology , and has been patented in Europe, US and China. It was developed in 2009 by our dental professionals to satisfy the growing requirements for prosthetic customization among Implantologists, lab technicians and milling centers.
The UBH30 Screw and Driver can be used in any situation, even with conventional straight abutments or with limited restorative height and a need of lower torque, like in Multiunit screw-retained restorations.
UBH30 offers a wide range of solutions at a comparable cost to that of the conventional straight channel technology. The patented Ball Head Technology enables for simple and efficient treatments thanks to its pioneering 30º angulation capacity.
- Maximum accessibility with mechanical safety.
- Easy visual recognition, correct tool guarantee.
- Universal solution for all your rehabilitations, straight or angled.
- Compatible with all market metrics.
- Patented system.
The UBH30 Screwdriver offers a universal solution for the different screws of all implant connections in the market. Its design enables an efficient screwing, both on the screw insertion axis and to correct deviations of up to 30º with a reliable torque transmission.
Manufactured in hardened steel, it features high torsion resistance (up to 70 Ncm) while its exclusive geometry prevents from the use of non appropriate tools which may damage the screw head and render it useless.
Why choose UBH30?
UBH30 offers design freedom without aesthetic and functional limitation. The constant investigation performed by the team of professionals at Ball Head Technology has resulted in the development of a wide product catalogue providing optimal accessibility, efficiency and profitability in the manufacturing process of customized restorations, enabling us to offer our clients a comprehensive patented solution 100% adapted to their specific needs.
UBH30 is an efficient and versatile solution for the fixation of screw-retained implant prosthesis, compatible all screw metrics in the market and adapted to Direct Casting, Overcasting, CadCam Implant and Abutment Level.