Case Study 6


Mechanized structure out of a Zirconia disc cemented over BHS30 Ti Bases.
Multiple screw-retained prosthesis on Multiunit Abutments in anterior aesthetic sector where transoccusal channels have been reoriented.

a. Manufacturing and adjustment of the model where three BHS30 Ti Bases are assembled on straight Multiunit Abutments fixed with their corresponding BHS30 MU screws.

b. Model with abutments scanning and, in a second stage, scanning of interfaces and screws.

c. BHS30 solution for multiple prosthesis in the anterior aesthetic sector. Both files are recovered (model + abutments) and the direction of the transocclusal channels is corrected to optimize the emergence profile according to the anatomy of the prosthesis.

d. The structure is milled out of a Zirconia disc, with the design phase requirements, and it is cemented on BHS Ti Bases, providing a good fitting on the model.

e. Final aesthetics of the restoration before its placement in mouth.